The 50/50 Art Union is conducted by the Rotary Club of Townsville Inc. as trustee for the Rotary Club of Townsville
Incorporated Community Foundation. Queensland Office of Liquor and Gaming Regulation Permit Number:
223509. Permit Issue: 27 August 2022. Closing Date: 5:00pm 15 September 2023. Drawn: 6:30PM Tuesday 26
September 2023 at Townsville RSL, Hermit Park Q 4812. Results published in the Townsville Bulletin 30 September
2023. Winner notified by phone and certified mail. Promotor G Singh, Sturt Street, Townsville Q 4810.


How do I purchase a ticket?
To purchase a ticket, click on the “Buy ticket” button above on this page, select the ticket product/s that you wish to buy and make payment through our secure Commonwealth Bank CommWeb payment gateway. Following payment you will receive a confirmation email for your purchase along with an image of your ticket/s.
Is my payment through your website secure?
Our website utilises the services of the Commonwealth Bank to provide a secure payment portal for making payment. When paying for the items, you are redirected to a Commonwealth Bank “Commweb” website area. When payment is completed, our website is advised that the payment is successful, automatically issuing you with an email confirmation with an image of your tickets.
How do I receive my tickets?
When payment is completed, our website is advised of the payment is successful, automatically issuing you with an email confirmation with an image of your tickets.
I didn't receive my ticket?

For any technical difficulties or queries regarding ticket numbers etc, please email

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